
Friday, February 25, 2011

Term Paper on Revenge

Term Paper on Revenge

Many people today think about revenge and its many different forms. There are extreme forms and then there are the not so extreme forms. The main question that people think about is whether revenge is justifiable even if it is a not so extreme form. The answer to this question relies most on what the person’s morals are in life. Since revenge occurs so much in everyday life it is a very complex topic and the answer to whether it is justifiable or not changes from person to person.


The ethics of revenge are definitely dependant on the person’s personal ethics. People must decide for themselves what their stance on revenge is. Different religions have different stances on what they think of revenge. Whether you are a strong believer or not may determine what you stance on revenge is. For example, the catholic religion says to its followers to always forgive the person that has violated you and to never hate anyone. This may be a good way to go through life, but if you were to just forgive and forget someone it exposes you to be violated once again by that person or someone else. There are many other different religions that may preach some other belief about pertaining revenge or may say the same thing in some another way. There are many other issues that effect a person’s decision on revenge such as: their culture, personal experiences, their parent’s stance, and even their social class sometimes.

Revenge comes into everyday occurrences, sometimes a person may think that it is called for other times they may not. Lets say that someone tells another person a very personal secret and this secret is accidentally slipped out. The person who has been hurt may try to avenge the other person by telling a secret that they know about that person or will they just let it go? Another minor incident that may occur in everyday life is if some was to spill something on someone else. Do u think revenge is called for? One person may think that revenge is perfectly justifiable in this situation another person may think of this as a frivolous accident. These two instances may seem to someone very minor but they are good examples of everyday occurrences that may or may not require revenge. Then again there are the extreme instances that are not so common in a person’s everyday life such as the murder of someone’s good friend or their relative. Revenge in this case may certainly seem necessary in the person who was hurt by this action. Others however try to forget about what happened in order to move on in life. There are infinite instances that occur time after time.

My stance on whether revenge is justifiable or not is very mixed. I have honestly not thought about this topic enough to say what my stance is on the matter, also there are many different instances that I may think revenge is reasonable but then other times I think that it is not reasonable. The times when I think that revenge is not justifiable are when it would most likely just add to the chaos that was caused by the first action that took place. I believe that there are such things as accidents that just happen and should be forgivable. There are other types of people that are intensely hurt by a slight accident or misdeed. This type of person is easily driven to take vengeance on that person that hurt them. I myself do not agree with someone who takes revenge on someone else that by mistake spilled something on them or pushed them. There are other instances in life that are much more extreme than those. Other instances, which someone may think that revenge is completely necessary, would be if someone murdered a loved one. I completely understand why this person may think that revenge is totally reasonable. Whether or not their action of revenge is justifiable depends on how far they go to avenge them. If the person were to go to the degree of murdering that person that caused their deep hurt I would not agree with that; if they were to just simply put them away I would agree with that type of revenge. Relating revenge to current literature is very simple especially to the play Hamlet. Is the main character Hamlet justified in avenging his uncle for murdering his father? I personally think that Hamlet’s actions were justifiable.

One major event that may be very debatable to people currently is whether the vengeance being taken by the United States government towards Afghanistan. My stance on this subject is very biased but I believe that the actions taken by the government are very justified. An Afghan may think the total opposite of me they may think as well that their attacks are not wrong at all.

Revenge is it justifiable or not? After thinking about it even more the answer is still very ambiguous and debatable. There are many different instances and issues that a person’s mind goes through while thinking about this answer. The answer to this question lies directly on each person’s view about things. This question will always remain unanswerable.

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