
Friday, November 11, 2011

Kevin Baker Essay

Kevin Baker Essay

A flirtatious, talkative, romantic, and friendly person is Kevin Baker. He is also a little too confident about himself. At times we see him trying to get a girls number or as we say "her digits," or he is chillin' with his friends. Although he has some business he needs to handle with homework and school activities, he still manages to go out and do his own thing like basketball, football, and girls..

Kevin Javaris is one whom I personally call, "Jay." Jay was born in Jackson, Mississippi; he calls it Jacksonville (Hometown nickname). His birthday is on March 28, 1989; he is now fourteen years old. Jay is attending Wuerzbug American High School (WAHS). He went from seventh grade to ninth grade, in Schweinfurt American Middle School.

When I asked him about his past and he said, "I was a bad little boy. One day, in preschool, I pulled my teacher's hair because she grabbed me." Now, let us talk about his good side. His hobbies are sports and dancing, and his favorite color is blue. Jay likes to listen to rap and R&B. He has one brother and two sisters. He considers Derick Bolden his best friend because he was always there for him. Kelvin believes in the death penalty. He always says, "What goes around, comes around," when you are in some type of trouble, fight, or argument.

Kevin Javaris is more of a flirtatious, talkative, romantic, and friendly person, but he shows himself as a sensitive man. I think everyone should be able to get to know him better, if you don't know him. If you give him respect, he will give you respect back. Therefore, in other words, you decide how you want to be treated around him. Just be yourself!

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