
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Osmosis Essay

Osmosis Essay

In this extract of the book it shows the reader a dialogue between Lennie and George. It is at the beginning of the book and therefore the reader is being introduced to the relationship between them, the surroundings and various other factors that Steinbeck cleverly but slowly introduces. I am going to discuss the way that Steinbeck prepares the reader for what is to come in the novel.

Throughout the book, Lennie does several harmful things, for example kill Curley's wife and kill the puppy. I think that in this extract Steinbeck is preparing the reader for what other bad things that Lennie may do, "It's on a mouse," shows the reader that he starts off with small things then his victims get bigger. However Lennie does not understand that he is doing wrong. For example the mouse, the puppy then Curley's wife. Also, "I didn't kill it," shows that Lennie may know that he has the strength to kill something (physically and mentally) but he does not at this early stage. This may show the reader what his character is like and to expect something further on in the novel.


Steinbeck also shows the audience the relationship between Lennie and George and how the reader should expect the same relationship to continue throughout the novel. George says, "Give it here," this suggests to me that George's status is higher than Lennie's and that he is a demanding character. Also, "Oh, so ya forgot that too, did ya?" and, "George said resignedly." George is obviously getting slightly frustrated with Lennie and he continues to do so throughout the book. I think that this may be part of the reason why George killed him. Lennie says, "I forgot again," this shows us his forgetful character. Lennie continues to forget throughout the novel, for example, he forgets not to talk to Curley's wife, which leads to a terrible incident. Lines 49-50 show Lennie copying George's actions. It think that this introduce the reader to their relationship also. Lennie obviously looks up to George. Throughout the book when Lennie has done something bad he is never worried whether it was morally wrong, he is only worried if George will be mad at him. By Lennie copying George, as he does in this extract, it shows how Lennie doesn't want to do wrong and therefore does whatever George does.

In this extract Steinbeck introduces the fact that Lennie and George have a dream. "We're gonna work on a ranch," George says, this does not tell the reader fully about their dream but I think is gives a hint to us. Also Lennie discusses it, "We gonna work on a ranch George." I think that bringing it up quiet often reminds the audience that they are both looking forward to something, as they do throughout the novel.

Lennie also has a lack of moral awareness. His awareness between right and wrong is very little. For example when Lennie is petting the mouse, he doesn't seem that he is doing anything wrong and is very reluctant to give it to George. This links to further on in the novel when Curley is petting Curley's wife's hair. She tells him to stop but he is reluctant to.

At the very end of this extract Steinbeck describes a beautiful scene to the audience. However there is always words like "Gabilan Mountains flamed," and, "the reeds jerked" may be preparing the reader for bad things that are going to happen later on in the novel. Also this setting is exactly the same setting as at the very end of the novel, when George kills Lennie. This may be why Steinbeck adds words like this to prepare the reader for a not so beautiful setting.

Throughout the novel Steinbeck is preparing the reader for several incidents. However I don't think that he does it obviously. This is effective because the reader still remembers what points Steinbeck has made but without making too obvious.

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